About Meher Baba
Merwan Sheriar Irani was lovingly referred to as Meher Baba which means "Compassionate Father".
HE was born on 25 February, 1894 in Pune, India into a Zoroastrian family
Avatar Meher Baba was referred to as "The Awakener" who sought to awaken hearts and minds to incomparable love
Baba's awakening of love springs from silence for he did not utter a word for the last 44 years of his life.
When he found it necessary to use words, HE used hand gestures and by spelling them on an alphabet board.
Meher Baba observed silence from 10 July 1925 till HE dropped HIS physical body on 31 January, 1969.
HE first communicated via an alphabet board and later using hand gestures, which were interpreted and spoken out by HIS Mandali (chosen disciples)
31 January is observed each year as Amartitihi to commemorate the day Meher Baba dropped his physical body